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Tris of coffee for summer 2018

Article by Michele Sergio published on IL ROMA on 24 June 2018 When the heat arrives in the beautiful country, everyone is trying to fight it: those who can flee from the cities to cooler places, those forced to stay there are equipped…

Neapolitan coffee and health

Article by Michele Sergio published in Il Roma on 03 June 2018 The times when Francesco Redi, a XVII century doctor and naturalist, wrote “I would drink the poison first, that a glass that was full, of the bitter and rude coffee”. It…

Cappuccino: when coffee meets milk

Article written by Michele Sergio published in IL ROMA on 22 April 2018 The Italians’ favorite breakfast is undoubtedly a croissant and a cappuccino. Two are the only ingredients to make cappuccino: coffee and hot milk. The commercial…

The historic cafés of Italy

The coffees. Places of art and letters, heritage to defend Article by Michele Sergio published on L’Espresso Napoletano of April 2018 Stendhal, Wagner, Goethe, Casanova and even Buffalo Bill spent time there. At the Antico Caffè Greco…