Naples, Coffee and music: the song “A tazz e cafè “

Article by Michele Sergio published in Il Roma on 26.11.2017

Coffee in Naples has always been absolute protagonist in the cultural sphere, in theater and in literature, in cinema and in music. Above all the songs, our great songs of every age, have made to cross our beloved drink the boundaries of the City towards the whole world.

Among the countless (like here, however, at least mention ‘O ccafé of 1958, written by Riccardo Pazzaglia and sung by the great Domenico Modugno and Na tazzulella’ e cafè of 1977 by the never too late Pino Daniele), the most classic and perhaps the most famous is “A tazz e cafè” “written by Giuseppe Capaldo (author, among other things, also the other famous song” Comme facette mammeta “) in 1918 and music by the knight Vittorio Fassone. Sung for the first time by Elvira Donnarumma, one of the most beloved of the Belle Epoque, at Bellini Theater in Naples, the piece was later interpreted by the greatest (without wishing to forget someone, Roberto Murolo, Claudio Villa, Milva, Gabriella Ferri, The Renzo Arbore Italian Orchestra).

Perhaps not everyone knows that the song finds inspiration in a real story. At the beginning of the 20th century he worked at Caffè Portoricco in via Guglielmo Sanfelice in the center of Naples, a beautiful and courteous cashier, Brigida precisely, who, in a decisive and bitter manner, keeps at a distance the many suavers among whom our own Giuseppe Capaldo who, heartbroken but not defeated, decides to dedicate the famous song to her. Often drinking a coffee the first sip is more bitter; you have to turn it well to mix it with the sugar that tends to settle on the bottom of the cup. Brigida, in the text, is compared to just a cup of coffee: bitter in appearance (like the first sip of coffee), sweet at the bottom (like the coffee after it is repeatedly turned). Apparently rough and unfriendly, the beautiful Brigid, for the Author, if courted with patience and wisdom, will finally show itself sweet and lovable.

Ma cu sti mode, oje Bríggeta,

tazza ‘e café parite:

sotto tenite ‘o zzuccaro

e ‘ncoppa amara site …

Ma i’ tanto ch’aggi”a vutá,

e tanto ch’aggi”a girá …

ca ‘o ddoce ‘e sott”a tazza,

fin’a ‘mmocca mm’ha da arrivá!

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