articolo di Michele Sergio La nostra città è un museo a cielo aperto ricca di tesori nascosti e di bellezze poco conosciute. La maggior parte dei napoletani, però, la conosce poco e ancora meno le sue storie e le sue leggende. Capita…

French Press against Moka: Francia vs Italia

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Rome on January 19th 2020 Italians and Frenchmen have always been two rather related peoples, cousins ​​as they say, but rival cousins. In fact, the two countries vie for various firsts,…

Tiramisu Coffee

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Rome on 22 December 2019 Known all over the world, it has become one of the sweet symbols of the pastry shop in the Bel Paese, conquering, thanks to its simplicity, young and old, over…

Turkish coffee versus Neapolitan coffee

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Rome on 08 December 2019 In recent days there has been a lot of talk about the candidacy of the Neapolitan coffee ritual as a UNESCO heritage – ergo: insert our coffee in the list of…