The ten rules of Neapoletan coffee

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in L’Espresso Neapolitan of the month of September 2019 “Why is coffee in Naples better?” You often hear this sentence; perhaps pronounced by a friend, relative or even a simple…

Neapolitan cold coffees

Eduardo De Filippo used to say that a Neapolitan can give up everything except a cup of coffee. Deep connoisseur of Neapolitan things, the great Neapolitan dramatist certainly was not wrong. In summer, however, with the arrival of heat, not…

The coffee foam

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Rome on 04 August 2019 It is the Neapolitan tradition to buy the foam, the classic and ancient ice cream of southern Italy, of Neapolitan origin but widespread throughout southern Italy…

Coffee and patriots

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in L'Espresso Neapolitan of the month of July 2019 Much history of the Belpaese has been made within the walls of various Cafés scattered on Italian soil. In fact, starting from the 18th…